Friday, December 5, 2008
And Here We Go
All day I have orientation, but then I will be heading back to Santa Cruz.
I am super excited, in case you cannot tell.
Also for those of you who have been praying for Craig as well, he will be joining us in Rome as a Fixed Term!!! So God is really bringing our team together!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
My Prayer
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Just tonights pics.
Thanks Rev Day 5
I mentioned it briefly in another post but I want to highlight perhaps the most revealing thing about ministry I have learned this week. It will seem obvious, but I think we often forget it and thus lose out; that we are so dependant on the presence of the Holy Spirit when we are in ministry. Sometimes we become so used to His presence that we may become numb to its power. Even Jesus when he was in the wilderness and then headed into ministry did so with the Holy Spirit not on his own, check it out in Luke 4. This was so evident in our role plays this week. "I can do nothing apart from Him who gives me strength, but I can do everything because of Him."
Today your prayers were even more evident as I went through what I expected to be my most challenging day with compleate peace and ease. I passes my MMPI psych assesment with flying colors. With no signs of Crazy and or depression, which is actually an answer to those other prayers for my Thyroid! He even said I am psychologicaly fit for overseas living and very well adjusted and have no visible signs of stress. My meeting with my doctor was also smooth and easy, he saw no reason I could not go, and said that Rome has great heath care. My interviews with the leadership went just dandy as did all my meetings with people from every area of the World. I also got the basics of what support I am going to need and how they put together our packages, as well as how those packages care for our total health and the organizations health. I am totally sold on how ReachGlobal cares for their people.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Global Market
Cheryl and John
What Day is it? Tuesday I think. Day 4 of REV
Today following our devotional, we moved into our Evangelism Exercises. Not my favorite part of this so far. We had to sit down with one person and tell them in 2 min with no warning all the points of the Gospel important in leading someone to Christ. That part did not have to be eloquent, but it was cold turkey with someone we had not met, while they sat and took notes. My time started and I went blank, so much so that I could not have even told you my name. It was like someone turned off my brain. Luckily someone flipped that switch back on and I think in the end I hit all the points I might need. Then we did some cold turkey roll plays, where we just needed to include our faith in the discussion, looking more at our conversational skills, and how easy or hard it is for us to talk about our faith. I did much better on this portion. The problem we found with the role playing is that the Holy Spirit is not role playing with us. Which means we are really out there on our own...I never realized how much I depend on the Holy Spirit in prompting and guiding my conversations, but it was clear that I do.
After the Evangelism we went over or Cross Cultural Assessment Inventory, which estimates how one will handle living cross culturally. It looks like I am pretty set in many ways to live overseas, a good thing. In the area I was lowest, it turned out we were all lowest except maybe one.
Then there was lunch, after which we went over our Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which is like the Myers Brigg normally I have come out as an ENFP but on this test I was an ESFJ. But I ranked smack in the middle on P and J and I totally feel I am more of the S than N.
You would think that was the end of the personality assessments, but you'd be wrong. We then went over our Spiritual Gifts. My highest three a surprise to me in some ways were; Knowledge, Pastor/Shepherding, and Faith.
We finished all of this by 2:30pm So at that time we got filled in on more details of what we can expect if we are hired by Reach Global, and what the next few days will look like.
Just to give you an idea of how to pray for me tomorrow, here is my day:
8:30am Latin America Meeting
9:00am MENA and Europe Self Guided
9:30-11am Leadership Interview
11-12:30pm Psychological Interview
12:30-1pm Lunch
1pm Dr. Visit
1:30pm Asia Meeting
2pm Africa Meeting
2:30-4pm Philosophy of Finance
4pm Take down stuff in the Chapel
5:20pm Dinner
Your prayers will be much appreciated for me and my fellow applicants these next few days.
On Thursday I get to spend most of my day reviewing on my own and praying, and then at 7pm I will have my Acceptance Meeting where I will be told one of three things.
Not Yet - but with some work on one or two things
No - and by no they mean not now and or ever
So by 7:30 my time 5:30 CA time I will know if I am part of the Reach Global Team.
Just so you all know, I have decided that I am for sure willing to go where ever God is leading. After one of our exercises where we had to choose if we would be willing to die for the Gospel, it was clear that if I am willing to die than I am willing to go where ever God may ask me to go.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Had to Go
Then we came to a choir singing Christmas songs and right past them you could see the twisting roller coasters and amusement park. So thankfully Craig and I both love roller coasters so we asked to see which was the must ride. We ended up on the Sponge Bob Coaster. Where you head straight up, and I mean straight face to the glass ceiling and back to the ground then you tip down the other side so your facing the floor and your back is at the ceiling if only for a second. After some twists and turns we came to the end. I thought there was only one roller coaster in the mall prior to going but in fact there were at least three. Along with numerous other rides, games, mini golf and an aquarium I think.
It's All About Me
D -3
I - 5
S -5
C -3
Which very very simply means that I fit the "counselor" type. And the following words are most commonly used in describing me: Trusting, Influential, Pleasant, Sociable, Generous, Poised, Charming, Serene, Possessive, Complacent, Inactive, Relaxed, Non demonstrative, and Deliberate.
Generally I would agree with this assessment, but because I am a even blend of I and S some of those words are not as much me as others may be. But you all know me, so you would already know that.
Then we went over our Strength Finder Assessment, I am in this order:
Then we did some group work. Which is top secret. Sorry.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Famous Dave's
Snow Day Two of REV
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Day One of REV
My first stop upon arrival was to visit with Jon and Tracie and new or not quite so new Grace Ditty! Jon was met me at the airport and took me to see their new home. Should have taken pictures, cause it's real cute. But I did snap a few of Grace, so here you go...
There are actually two beds, so I can have a sleepover or something:)
When I got to the EFCA headquarters I was met at the door and instructed to go to the elevator to the 3rd floor where I was met by Gloria and ushered into the Chapel transformed into a boardroom for this event. There I found my name sign at my seat around the table and my own new HP Laptop and the book Leading From the Sandbox. Which I am too read tonight if possible so this will not be too long. I have to say that thus far I am pretty impressed with the quality of the program. We will be using OneNote to learn together and keep notes as well as an online community for different Bible Studies and training activities. Pretty High Tech for the EFCA.
There are 10 of us participating in the REV Event. Myself and Craig the other one looking towards going to Rome are the youngest and the only newbies in the room. But, that doesn't seem to be a problem. Craig, another girl a little older than myself and I are the only singles.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the room we are meeting in is that they have poster size papers on the wall for each of us with our names and our strengths and our spiritual gifts on them. So you can pretty much size up everyone in the room. This is kinda fun, and kinda weird.
Well, I have homework and there is a hot tub kinda calling my name. I will post again tomorrow. But in case you were wondering this is all the snow I have seen and it is right outside of my hotel.
Live from REV
More later.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
video link
I had not had the money nor the time to head out to the mall until last night following a Youth Trip to Sky High I grabbed my two faithful shopping buds; my sister Krista and friend Jenny (thanks girls!) and we high tailed it to the mall. With their help I was able to snag some fantastic new clothes and even better deals!
I went to New York and Company and took joy in the amazing by one get one 75% off sale they were having on pants and sweaters. Convenient that was. I found two great sweaters, two pairs of pants and a great shirt. At Macy's I also got my first pair of wedges, super cute and over 50% off! In all I saved more than I spent, and I had just received a Thanksgiving gift of money from my favorite Lady, Grandma Selma, so really it was almost nothing out of pocket!
Something to be truly thankful for!
Now I am set for the cold, and ready to print my boarding pass and get to getting!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Bit Like Reality TV
But all that is about to change, because the day after tomorrow. I will be getting on a plane and flying to the freezing cold of Minnesota. Where I will spend a week being interviewed, tested, and trained. And finally I will meet the people who know every last detail about what makes me me.
I would be lying if I said I was not nervous. So I won't. I think what is most disarming is we have no idea what to expect, and as a fellow "contestant" said to me on Saturday, "I don't think there is any question left" So that begs the question what are we going to be asked for a week?
On Thursday Dec 4th they will finally bring us into "Judges Table" or something and let us know if we have been chosen or not to be a missionary with Reach Global. However there is no guarantee that we will be offered a spot in the country we have been hoping for.
So keep checking back because I plan on using this to release all of my worries and hope and updates.